Getting a start on the convertible project

Works in progress. Or, whose progress has been completed!
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by Faulkner »

big m wrote:I found a good, pliable, used windshield gasket in a '59 Chrysler, and soaked it in Go-Jo overnight to soften it up.
Go-Jo! That's a new one to me, John. I've heard of folks boiling dried out rubber parts in linseed oil, but this seems like an easier way to go about it. Were you happy with the result?

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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

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Looking good John - It should not be too long now.
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by WDJ40 »

Wow... that is talented and dedicated work.

Looking at what you have to work with and what you have achieved is amazing.

Good luck with the upholstery work. Not sure what you are using for fabric. I have used a shop with an experienced upholsterer who has done this kind of work with outstanding results but he is 3,000 miles away from you.

Good luck with the interior.
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

Faulkner wrote:
big m wrote:I found a good, pliable, used windshield gasket in a '59 Chrysler, and soaked it in Go-Jo overnight to soften it up.
Go-Jo! That's a new one to me, John. I've heard of folks boiling dried out rubber parts in linseed oil, but this seems like an easier way to go about it. Were you happy with the result?

I've used this before, and it's always seemed to work well. Looks like a newly made gasket now, Dan.
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

WDJ40 wrote:Wow... that is talented and dedicated work.

Looking at what you have to work with and what you have achieved is amazing.

Good luck with the upholstery work. Not sure what you are using for fabric. I have used a shop with an experienced upholsterer who has done this kind of work with outstanding results but he is 3,000 miles away from you.

Good luck with the interior.
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Mark Merritt
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by Mark Merritt »

John: Looks like A million!!!!!!!! Looking back from what it was to now is amazing.I love watching Dick and you post your progress on your cars,there needs to be A reality tv show on the two of you!!!!!!!! Mark M
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

I routed the front wiring harness, and installed the rebuilt brake booster, new master cylinder, and vacuum tank.

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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

I got the majority of my aluminum trim back from the plater, everything looked good, except for the trunklid 'toilet seat' insert, which is pretty well destroyed. There's a chance they misunderstood what I was wanting, I have a couple spares, but may find someone else to do it depending on what I am told.

I masked and painted the parking light bezels, and reassembled them to the lower grill strips and grills with all redone original hardware. Then I fitted the assemblies into the front filler panel, and bolted them in. Next, I acid dipped the park light sockets briefly to remove corrosion, then painted them silver for better reflection. Next, NOS lenses were installed.

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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

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More side trim fitted and installed. Time consuming considering I had to refurbish quite a few of the clips and modify a few to line the trim pieces up better.

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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by Dick Koch »

Fantastic John - Isn't a lot more fun putting it back together? As a note I used bright white spray paint as a reflector in my lights and they are much brighter that silver paint. That car is going to be outstanding.
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by Matthew Keij »

Are the front trim pieces on the correct position?
Looks like they hit the eyebrown trim and should be moved a bit towards to the rear
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

I may have someone lined up to look after the car's upholstery needs, but things have to be ready first.

I had the original rear seat armrest panels that are specific to the convertible, but they were in poor condition. I had an extra that another '59 owner had given me for a pattern, its upper section was much better. I drilled the spot welds and removed the upper section.

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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

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I had a set of hardtop panels that were in relatively good condition, metal-wise, so I modified these sections to duplicate the lowers used on the convertible. Next, I cut out the weak or rusty areas, and butt-welded new metal in. These will be upholstered later.

Next, the upper sections were re-welded to the lowers, and surface rust has Ospho applied to remove it. After neutralizing and drying, a coat of protective paint was applied. These are now ready for the upholsterer.
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

On to the rear seat cushions.

Even though the original seats were decimated by rust, they still worked for patterns. I had always been told that the rear seat cushions were convertible specific, but found it to be part true. I removed the hog rings on a coupe seat lower cushion, and placed it next to the remains of the convertible one. They were the same! This was encouraging, as I was not looking forward to making a new one up.

The upper seat back was a different story. It shared nothing with either a coupe or sedan seat.

I was able to salvage the rear backing by welding sections in from another seat cushion, and repairing any rust through. Next, I gathered up enough good springs from a selection of seat cushions, and secured them to the repaired backing. The front frame was pretty much gone, but I used one from a coupe, and modified it to match the rusted sample. Next, all the small springs and securing bands were added, and Voila! Now I have good seat cushions!
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Re: Getting a start on the convertible project

Post by big m »

Doesn't look like I've accomplished much lately, but got the aluminum disc for the sport deck and trunk V from the anodizer, and was able to assemble and install the 'Toilet seat'. Also, installed the rear Plymouth script, as well as drilled holes for the gold V. Thanks to Austin for the V, somehow I had misplaced the one I had saved.

59 SF convertible 001_zpsvikqniit.jpg

Quarter windows also installed and working, but will need adjustment after the top and door glass is installed. Funny thing about these, about ten years ago there was an ad on E-bay where the seller had no pictures, just a brief heading something like '59 Sport Fury convertible, parting out. Barn collapsed on the car years ago, cleaning up. I was skeptical, as there were no photos, so I didn't act on it. The ad stayed up for a few weeks, then disappeared. I had saved the guys e-mail address, so sent him a message saying I would buy any convertible specific parts he had left. He said he had the quarter windows, their guides and tracks and regulators, plus some other parts, I could have for $200 plus shipping. I was quite surprised when I opened up the bubble wrap, as the chrome was like new, the regulators didn;t even have surface rust, and there were quite a few other pieces he threw in, all like new. This car must have been stored away when it was only a few years old, for the parts to be in this good of a condition.

Engine bay closer to finished, recored radiator fitted with new transmission lines, higher output generator also installed. Had to make a custom adjuster bracket, as this generator was originally from a Chrysler poly engine.

59 SF convertible 001_zps0qgzpu2g.jpg
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