And the survey SAYS...

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Should I make changes to the Forum, that don't work in old versions of Internet Explorer?

Poll ended at Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:21 am

Yes! I'll use Chrome, Firefox, or IE 9 or IE 10 to browse the Forum.
No! I've got an old computer, or I'm not sure how to update my browser. Don't touch the damn thing!
What the hell are you talking about?
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And the survey SAYS...

Post by Faulkner »


I've been toying with a modification to the Forum, that will permit images to be displayed in "Gallery Style" - that is, to show thumbnails horizontally instead of the vertical presentation now. It will permit me to move a lot of the old, stale content from other parts of right into the Forum itself, e.g., The Showcase. This will permit folks to update the Showcase themselves, and add content as they go along.

There's a hitch, though: These changes work in Chrome, Firefox, and both IE 9 and IE 10. If you have an older version of Internet Explorer - IE 8 and below - the changes don't work very well.

I've spent some time trying to work around this, but I'm not having any luck. I'm thinking about going ahead and making the changes at the end of the month anyway. So I'll put the question to you: What should I do? Should I make the changes, and ask that people update their browsers? Or should I leave well enough alone? Answer the Poll question above, please...

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Ron Keij
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Re: And the survey SAYS...

Post by Ron Keij »

Who are Firefox and Chrome, are they new members :lol:

I checked the test area with IE 9 and that works fine. Maybe you should explain how people can see what browser they are using, I can do so but I might be not 100% correct as I have a Dutch version of IE. I experienced that there are slight differences between different languages of IE.

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Re: And the survey SAYS...

Post by Faulkner »

Thanks Ron! I changed my post to indicate that IE9 works.

For folks who don't know what version of IE they are on: On the top toolbar, there is a "Help" option. If you click that, you'll get a dropdown - one of the options is "About..." or "About IE". If you select that, it will tell you the version.

Ron - don't forget to vote!

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Ron Keij
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Re: And the survey SAYS...

Post by Ron Keij »

Seems like everybody has a up to date browser! Or maybe the guys with the old computers are waiting until their computer has started up :lol:

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Re: And the survey SAYS...

Post by Dick Koch »

I have IE9 and voted yes.
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