Ok, pardon my ignorance, but I got a problem!!!! Ok, this has been on going since I have had the car. She sat for 30 years prior to getting back on the road. 230 6 cylinder with three on the tree. So on occasion, while cranking it goes from cranking strong to slow as if something is engaged. The car will turn over/start, make some racket. I turn it off quickly and it usually disengages. If I remember, this happens when I am starting the car in neutral and clutch down. When this happens, I can also let off the clutch and still cranks slow in neutral. It usually works itself out and start/cranks fine. What is the issue? What is sticking? It is stuck now, and battery drained. Thanks all.
Oh and why knowing this I still engage the clutch when starting is beyond me.......

- Mark Merritt
- Posts: 553
- Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:57 pm
Re: Help!!
Does the clutch disengage ok? Could be time for A starter rebuild?(weak bad armature,brushes) Check grounds/cables,when running does the tranny make noise when you push the clutch in?(worn forks/throw out bearing).Make sure the starter is not loose(bolts). How much play does the clutch have? adjusted properly? Mark M
Re: Help!!
Starter was rebuilt when going over the motor before returning it back to life. Trans is not stuck in any one gear. Shifts fine, did seem a little tight in reverse, but car will move if I place in gear and leave clutch engaged. I am wondering if it is the starter. No noise depressing the clutch or shifting. will hear a clankity clank sometimes when starting. Or after it starts. Not during cranking. Hmmmmmmmmm She cranked over today but still in stuck mode. trying to turn over, would hear the starter run on with some clankin'. I will check starter bolts and give it a beat with a heavy hammer to see if bendix is engaged.
Re: Help!!
Could be the Starter Drive on the starter or the ring gear on the flywheel.
Life is Beautiful! Sex, Beer & Mopars.
Re: Help!!
Let's get to basics. With the car off, but in 3rd gear, can you roll the car, and if so, does the engine turn over?
Re: Help!!
I let the car sit for two days, battery stronger and after some crankin all was well again. It disengaged. Had to turn off a few times as what ever it was would not engage. It freed up and all was good. Was able to start her up several times after that no issues. Just like normal. This comes and goes. Next time this happens, what should I be checking Roger. When this happened in the past I have placed the car in first or reverse and bumped the started, the car moves and most of the time disengaged what ever it was.
Re: Help!!
Really sounds like your Starter Drive is hanging up.
Life is Beautiful! Sex, Beer & Mopars.
Re: Help!!
Thanks Dick, I am leaning towards that also. When I got the car, I had the starter rebuilt. Actually trying to remember why, or at least why I pulled it off, just guess I figured it needed to be rebuilt after 30 years of sitting. Anyway, when I had it off, I was playing with it and the bendix would not retract. I rotated it out by hand if I remember. So had it rebuilt, wonder if something should have been replaced and did not get replaced. Hmmmmmmmmm I think I pulled it off to clean it. It was caked in oil/dirt. Damn, I'm 45 and already sufferin' from CRS. (Can't remember s#@t) 

Re: Help!!
I tried to diagnose the problem, based on your verbal description
Yes, it's very likely the bendix drive, and the starter in general. More than likely, they cleaned it and checked it for operation, and it worked once or twice in the shop, but the bendix shaft is bent or has a burr on it..SOMEthing causes it to hang up and not fully retract. Thus, when your car is running, the poor starter must be spinning its windings off!
Take it back to the repair shop and demand satisfaction!

Take it back to the repair shop and demand satisfaction!