I believe FL Frank was going to install factory a/c, and prowled eBay, finding a factory a/c car in Texas. Unfortunately that person decided NOT to sell.
But he had other sources, as I remember.
The CoolAire unit I had went to Ken Josephson in Las Vegas. I believe he was going to try to conceal a modern sound system inside it.
Thanks for all the responses.
I found this ad in my picture file. It's an older version MArk 4. Can anyone name the year of this car? I have seen some units like this at car shows and I'm thinking that this is what I should be looking for. . . . . .
I have an underdash set up that was in my SF on a shelf in the garage, i assume that it was correct for the year (even though it is an aftermarket type?) it is a little different to what is shown in your brochure, the brackets and compressor etc appear to be original for a 318?
I will try and take some photos of it all and post them here for you soon.
Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your Dealer or after-market installed AC unit Dan, Of course, the AC unit you have may depend (as all of ours does...) on what year the previous owners decided to upgrade to an AC unit.
Could be in 1959 or maybe 1962,63 or 64 etc. or any later year, where the owner said "I need cool AC air!!!"
ok, here is the unit that I removed from my car, I am replacing this one with a new more efficient (I hope) system.
The compressor unit was made by Borg Warner while the underdash evaporator unit has the markings "Mark IV Monitor"
The flat top bracket shown in the photo bolts on above the water pump and also uses one of the bolts for the thermostat housing, the compressor then sat right on the top at the front of the 318.
John, you are quite right, this unit may not necessarily be 1959 but maybe someone here can assist with the era after viewing the pics?
My car is coming along nicely, just fitting up the front guards and hood now, then back to the painters to finish them off. I started her up a few weeks ago for the first time and she ran like a dream, anyhow I wont hijack this post with my banter I will endeavor to post some updated pics on my page that Ron started for me....if I remember how too?
Mark IV underdashBorg Warner compressorCompressor bracket and idler pulley bracket
Very cool Dan.
Thanks fo sharing. I'm with John - I would refurb it if it were mine. If you decide not to I would be interested in buying it from you.
Take care
On ebay is several 1959 under-dash evaorator units. His ebay ID is: Imperialbubba, Johnny's old car parts. I'm not sure how to post him on this thread.
I've been down in southern Texas the last two weeks, and picked up a beat-up '59 Plymouth wagon with factory A/C that is complete. I'm toying with using the unit in my convertible in the future.
Dick Koch wrote:On ebay is several 1959 under-dash evaorator units. His ebay ID is: Imperialbubba, Johnny's old car parts. I'm not sure how to post him on this thread.
I emailed Jeff Carter to pick his brain on what was available in 1959. He says not only did Mopar have CoolAire and AirTemp, but Sears, Penneys even Montgomery Ward sold under-dash units. Jeff has a period-correct, re-built MobilAire under-dash unit for sale...says it will work with any modern compressor... (you guys want ALL components period-correct, I believe).
The compressor in my 2000 Dodge truck quit working last year. Parts and labor to replace would cost $2,000!
I thought parts for the 59 were expensve but they are starting to look like a bargain compare to your Dodge compressor! Is Jeff going to post the unit he has for sale? I'd like to see it.