Introducing Picturecarguy aka Paul Brozen

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Ron Keij
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Introducing Picturecarguy aka Paul Brozen

Post by Ron Keij »

Read all about "picturecarguy" Paul brozen from NYC and his stunning car collection, he owns cars from 1917 until the mid sixties. Some of his cars appeared in movies and there is a good chance his 59 Fury will be playing a role in a feature film:

Cars are to be Enjoyed, not Admired...
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Ron Keij
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Re: Introducing Picturecarguy aka Paul Brozen

Post by Ron Keij »

This morning I updated Paul's page and added two extra albums. One for the older cars he has and one with shots from the movie the 59 Fury will be in.

Cars are to be Enjoyed, not Admired...
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