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59 model specifications

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:20 pm
by 361Fury
Hello, I am new to this forum and I would like to learn what numbers I need to check on my VIN tag & engine to make sure my car is correct. It is a 59 Sport Fury with the 361. Everything on this car indicates it is a Sport Fury, such as side trim, steering wheel,etc. exept for the seats. The door panels are original and look correct for a Sport Fury, but the seats do not. I think the seats were redone years ago. I just wanted to check the numbers and make sure everything is OK.
Thanks, Erin

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:43 pm
by Faulkner
Hi Erin, we can't wait to see the pix of your car when it's done! Here's an earlier thread about the subject: ... hlight=vin

Ron's suggestion that you contact Ed is a good one (the email is in the post) -- tell him Ron and Dan sent you. Ed knows the numbers forwards and backwards.

Welcome aboard!


Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:05 pm
by rogerh
hello erin,
If all your numbers check out as Sport Fury, here are two possibliites..
Remote possibility: original owner didnt like the swivel sseat and had the dealer replace it
Likely possibility: seats were replaced more recently. Did your car sit un-used for a time? The swivel seat assemblies are a rare and valuable item.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:18 pm
by 361Fury
Thanks for your replies Dan and Roger. The seat does swivel, I didn't know for sure if only Sport Furys had that type of seat or not. My seats don't have the inserts like I see on the other Sport Furys but they still have the chrome buckles, which is why I thought the upholstery was original. That is what had me confused. I appreciate your help, I have a lot to learn!
Thanks, Erin

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:31 pm
by rogerh
Swivel seats were Standard in the Sport Fury, optional in all other models. The fact that you have the front seat buckles (also buckles on the rear seat and door panels) suggests to me that the front (and rear?) seat upholstery got changed somewhere along the line. The fabric usually wore out first, or the stitching failed. Eventually the foam deteriorated.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:08 am
by Dick Koch
Hi Erin - If you pull up the pictures of my 59 Sport Fury on the site and look at the Red and White car you will see that the previous owner used white vinyl where the cloth inserts should be. At the time he didn't know where to get the correct color cloth (SMS in Portland Oregon). I ordered enough material to do the door panels and seats but elected not to do the seats because they are pretty nice. I'm doing a restoration on the car right now and will probably have the seats brought up to speed. I have a roll of Black and white cloth that came with one of my cars that is for sale in case thats a color you may need. I will have to get it out and measue it. Good luck with your car.
Dick Koch.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:32 pm
by 361Fury
Thanks Dick, I will keep that in mind about the extra material. My car has the same color interior as your red car. I haven't decided how far I am going to go with the interior at this time.
Thanks, Erin