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Richards 58 Plymouth

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:33 am
by Matthew Keij
Yesterday we went to visit a friend who is restoring a 58 Fury.

Car is getting painted red with a white top.
Good optioned car with original dual rear antenna's and A/C.
Also has the 318 dual quads

Re: Richards 58 Plymouth

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:48 am
Love the project, and the Arizona license plates. We had a wrecking outfit here that had a complete 58 Sport Fury inside Storage, the owner would not sell it. He passed away ten years ago. and no one knows where the SF went. I went to the clearance auction. 5 late 50's Chrysler product wagons went for $500. or less. no 59 Plymouths.