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Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:27 pm
by rogerh
In the ephemera section, first photo shows a sad-looking convertible in a field. does anyone remember who took that pic? was is John Fowlie?

Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:08 pm
by Ron Keij

What ephemera section do you mean? There is one on the old website and one on the new website but I do not see a convertible. I did add a lot of stuff on the new ephemera section today, some audio and a lot of tech reference booklets


Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:46 pm
by rogerh
Hi Ron,
Two things gone wrong here. First, i made a mistake...I meant UFO.
Second, I guess I am slow to adapt to the NEW site. Is the address
Should I direct people to this rather than 59SF,net?
I need to spend some time getting used to what you are building!

On my computer screen, I have a Favorites button. This is where I find This takes me to the "old"? site where the blue ovals on the left side of the screen offer Showcase, Forum, Ephemera, Links, UFO, Chat,etc.Several of these ovals havent worked for a while.
I clicked on UFO and the first pic is of a trashed cvt.

Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:02 pm
by Ron Keij

The address of the new website is For now it is an addition to the old website, we plan on transferring all the stuff on the old website to the new one. The old website will not be updated anymore, it is pretty complicated and Dan does not have enough time to keep up with it. The new website is easier to maintian and even I can do that :lol: I am responsible for adding new content and Dan does his magic with all issues I run into.

So when Dan is ready converting your DVD's with the old movie clips with you and Tom F a new page will be made on the new website under showcase.


Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:07 pm
by Ron Keij
I guess you mean this convertible


I don't know where the picture came from.


Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:20 pm
by rogerh
Yes, that's it. I remember John Fowlie had a lead on a guy in northern CA who had a bunch of cars which were being vandalized...this may be one, but I think John F. took this pic

Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:10 pm
by Faulkner
rogerh wrote:Hi Ron,
Two things gone wrong here. First, i made a mistake...I meant UFO.
Second, I guess I am slow to adapt to the NEW site. Is the address
Should I direct people to this rather than 59SF,net?
I need to spend some time getting used to what you are building!
Sorry for the confusion, Roger. Initially I registered the hostname; then I broadened it to For a while, both names pointed to the same content.

However - with the addition of "Coppermine" software for the gallery that Ron is maintaining, it became necessary to stick with one name - being the obvious choice (because, as JQ will remind us, Belvy's are so rare and so special :roll: ). Now, you can't log into the forum if you reference it as

The problem right now is that the forum and the gallery are two separate websites - I intend to unite them with a "portal" that will have other features as well. But I have to crawl before I can walk! Still learning.
rogerh wrote:
On my computer screen, I have a Favorites button. This is where I find This takes me to the "old"? site where the blue ovals on the left side of the screen offer Showcase, Forum, Ephemera, Links, UFO, Chat,etc.Several of these ovals havent worked for a while.
I clicked on UFO and the first pic is of a trashed cvt.
Yeah, the problem is that the service provider that hosts our website recently moved the content from one server to another. In the process, they inadvertently dropped a lot of the content (not the Forum, though). Thanks for pointing this out to me - I'm in the process of getting it straightened out. Eventually, though, that old front page will go away in favor of the portal. Stay tuned!


Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:44 pm
by Denver 59 Fin Convert
Just thinking of the poor Savoy, Fury, Suburban & Belvedere guys left out in the cold thats all.....While the SF guys get the warm bed! :lol: (though if I get a SF someday, I will want it back to the old site!) Fair Weather Forum Member.

All good fun! 8)

John Q.

Re: ephemera

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:28 am
by jason
Is that white Cvt still available/salvagable?????

Re: ephemera

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:45 am
by rogerh
If it is indeed one of John fowlie's "finds", we'd have to ask/remind him about it. I think the story was the owner wanted way too much money for it.

Re: ephemera

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:07 pm
by big m
The pictured car was not one of my finds, but was in the same part of New York state that mine was from. This photo was from E-bay about seven years ago, the seller's user name was Rusty New Yorker if I recall correctly. He had access to several forgotten wrecking yards in the forests of up state New York. I believe Jeff Nichols also has access to a rusty Belvedere convertible in the same area, if anyone is interested, I can contact him.


Re: ephemera

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:40 pm
by rogerh
hey John,
Thanks for chiming in and clearing that up. Rusty New Yorker is not registered on eBay, but rather on More precisely, he WAS on FL. (p. 37 of user Listing)
His last post under that username was back in 2008.
His name is Bill K. I remember now trading emails with him regarding a few of his finds. His email address is(was?)tongue

Re: ephemera

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:59 pm
by rogerh
Well, I learned that Bill K is still alivea nd well and posting on the HAMB. I havent figured out how to post on that site yet, but I assume that cvt is long gone...that was an OLD ad.

Re: ephemera

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:47 am