Attaching Pictures

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Dick Koch
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Dick Koch »

Steve - Thanks for the suggestion. I have a Kodak Easyshare Camera C875. When I go to the Menu it gives me a screen that says Picture Size. The choices are 8.0 MP, 7.1MP(3:2), 5.0 MP, 3.1 MP, and 1.1 MP. The camera is not set on 8.0 MP, which would be the best setting for attachemnts and still give a good, clear picture. Appreciate your help. Dan gave me a suggestion on how to change my current pictures but I can't find Microsoft Paint on my computer.
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Faulkner »


The 3.1 MP setting should work just fine. Computer geeks use binary values to approximate decimal, e.g., 2 to the 10th power is 1024, which is approximately 10 to the third power, or 1000. A binary "megapixel" is 1,048,576, close to 1,000,000. 2048x1536 is "3MP" in geek talk, but actually 3145728 pixels, or the 3.1 MP setting on your camera.

...but don't worry about geek talk. If you want to upload the biggest picture you can on the site, use the 3.1 MP setting -- it should work fine.

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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Faulkner »

BTW, you'll find Paint under

Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint

Or you can save a step:

Start -> Run, enter "mspaint" in the textbox and press return.

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Dick Koch
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Dick Koch »

OK Dan - The camera is set on 3.1 MP and I found paint, Duh??? I was able to bring an attachment picture to the paint palate but the picture is huge, now what. HELP.
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Faulkner »

Dick, any pictures you take at 3.1MP don't have to be reduced in size.

Anything you've already taken that's bigger than 3.1MP, but that you want to upload, will have to be scaled back.

Here's what I said about using Paint:
Faulkner wrote: If you have bigger pictures, you can scale them down by using something like Microsoft Paint. Go to Image -> Stretch/Skew and change the percentages equally to reduce the dimensions.
Try something like 75%. If it's still too big -- rinse, lather, repeat.

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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Dick Koch »

Garage Phase 2 - I want you guys to know this garage cost me a new kitchen, believe me the garage was cheaper.
There was a 10' x 20' prefab shed on this slab that was moved to a corner of the lot. The shed is where I do Stainless and Alum. Dent repair and Polishing. This slap had to be broken up and hauled away.
The Slab is 16' x 30'.
The concrete is 12" deep x 36" wide where the Lift will be mounted.
Going Up.
The 8' gap between the old garage and the new will be framed in and then covered with the same metal siding. The roof will match the old garage.
Ready for trim.
Trimmed out.
The door looks small but I can get my E-150 Van thru it.
Garage and entrance doors installed.
It's tight but not too bad, The Desoto just clears in front and back.
Installing all the electrical, 220 for welder, powder coat oven and lift. Used filing cabinets at garage sales make excellent parts storage.
This is how they will be stored, you can see a drip pan under the ford but it was a pain putting up every time. Now I just clamp that blanket you see on the hood of the Desoto, makes it a lot easier.
Sometimes you get so lucky its scary. I found those fender skirts on the Ford on ebay. The paint was an exact match.
OK, not for the expensive part, This is Yvonne's new kitchen before installed. That Oster fan is the first appliance we bought when we got married in 1960 (48 years ago) we had no Air Conditioning.
You gentlemen are looking at the cost of a new garage, only thing left is the backsplash. Some people will do anything to get a GARAGE WITH A LIFT. Dat's all folks.
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Denver 59 Fin Convert »

Dick, your new shop and lift looks super! You are all set to tackle more projects! You are the envy of all of us!

I am looking for a four post lift myself for my garage to stack two of my three cars. (one being the 59 Convert) I have 14 foot ceilings in my 2 car garage already, so I have tons of room to go vertical. Neighborhood Covenants prevent me from building a car only shop. (Though I have a 1200 Sq ft basement that is crammed with car parts.) There are several lifts in my area on Craigs List to choose from that seem to be a bargain. What brand did you get on your two post lift?

With you new shop, you now have room to get more cars! Won't your wife be pleased! Looks like a new dining room ensable is in the future! :lol:

John Q.
Arvada, Colo
John Quinn
Arvada, Colo
(NW suburb of Denver)

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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Steve Storey »

Kitchen is beautiful! Wish I lived next door so I could borrow the lift!!
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Dick Koch
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Re: Attaching Pictures

Post by Dick Koch »

Thanks Steve and John - The lift is a Itchey Scratchey sold as a Superior Lift and marketed by Eastwood. 9000 lb. capacity. At first I wanted a four post lift because a couple of my friend have four posts lifts but they are always jacking up a wheel when ever they do suspension or brake work. I'm glad I got the two post because I can easily do suspension and brake work and still store two cars. I bought the lift used from a local car guy that was moving and had to get rid of it. I paid $1,000.00 for it, he paid $3,500.00 plus freight from Texas to Florida. Heck, you can get them today for $1,495 brand new plus freight. He had the lift installed outside with no weather protection. I tested it and it worked fine, the problem was water had gotten in one of the cylinders and when I laid it on it side for a year and a half it rusted badly and leaked oil like crazy. Had a rebuilt cylinder installed for $350.00 and now I'm good to go. No more cars, four is enough, although I would trade my Ford and Desoto for a 57, 58 or 59 Convertible. My first NEW car was a 57 Belvedere Convertible (Age 21). Besides if I got another car my wife would divorce me and probably get the cars. I'd rather have her anyway, she's a keeper. If you guys ever get to Florida, look me up and I'll let you use the lift.
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